Yes, the cayenne corner defense works with most ferrets!  It's also swell
for keeping squirrels from digging up those bulbs you just planted, and it's
cheap.  Sprinkle it liberally over any freshly turned earth you don't want
varmints to disturb.  Check the spice racks in any big discount drugs & junk
chain store.  Spraying Bitter Apple will also repel most ferrets, but so
will vinegar in some cases.  I have used all these substances over the years
to train kits not to bite sock-foot monsters.  I breed one or two litters
each year, and if I suspect a hob may be too rough, I dab a little bitter
apple on the jill's ears and throat.  Those inexperienced young dudes don't
always know they're supposed to grab the back of her neck!
[Posted in FML issue 1348]