Hi everyone.  I have been lurking a week or so.  I adopted (inherited) a
ferret from my step-son-in-law as the kids were moving to CA and found out
the laws were not the same as Kansas.  I have had a ferret grandson for
about 5 years so am somewhat familiar with them.  But this one, Banji, (used
to be Bandit) is better than all others!  I fell in love with her at first
visit.  She is playful, friendly, doesn't bite, uses the litter box MOST of
the time, doesn't climb everything in sight like Elijah does.  (I think her
bottom is too heavy) Anyway, I like her a lot.  She, too, likes to curl up
in round things.  She has found a colander in a mixing bowl in my kitchen
cupboard that she particularly likes.  I think this lets the air circulate
around her or something.
I don't let her go to the basement with me, tempting as it is as she likes
to ride downstaris in the laundry basket, because Eli used to climb inside
the walls of the house from the stairs.  I doubt if she could because
climbing is just not her thing, but not taking chances.
The first time Eli did this we were frantic.  We both feared for all the
funny things that could be inside of walls (older house).  Eventually,
though, he just poked his head out of a hole in the top of a first floor
closet and we could reach him down again.  Another place he would get into
the walls from was our bedroom closet which has a hole leading to the
bathroom plumbing.  We soon plugged that up better.  Any chance he got,
though, he'd scratch at that little door with all his might.
Right now she is sleeping on a screened-in porch in her cage.  It get down
to 30 degrees or so, so I put out more bedding.  When I check in the
morning, though, she is just laying on most of it.  Has one layer over her
so I don't think she is cold.  Eli used to choose sleeping outside when he
visited the ferret hotel and had the chance.  My husband in NOT a ferret
freak.  He is only tolerating her because of me.  Otherwise she'd be
sleeping with me.  Since my husband came first.............
She is a year and a half old and I still need to find out more about shots.
I have really appreciated this list. NIce to know so many people like our
little fuzzies.
I am having trouble changing her feed. She is on a kitten food called
Special Kitty--this came with her. My son suggested I buy either Science
Diet or IAMS. I bought IAMS, with a guarantee that if she doesn't like it,
money back. So far,  she doesn't like it. I have been mixing IAMS with the
old but she picks out the old too eat. Any other suggestions? Does anyone
know if Special Kitty is high enough in protein? She seems to be doing just
fine on it and I have added Ferretone to her diet, also. In fact, that is
the ONLY treat she likes. Can't interest her in raisens or dried
pineapple--Two of Eli's very most favorite things--or any other food. She
does like Eli's old soccer ball. It got left behind when Alan and Eli moved
to North Carolina (where ferrets are legal, but suspect.)
[Posted in FML issue 1348]