We had a scary night Sunday night - and I wanted to see if anyone else has
had anything similar happen to them...
While attending to litter pan duty, Todd accidentally kicked Avery (who was
obscured from Todd's view by the litter pan).  He was kicked pretty hard and
thrown a few feet.  He (Avery) ran and hid under the microwave cart right
after it happened.  I pulled him out to comfort him & make sure everything
was alright, when I noticed that things were definately not right.
For starters, his nose was bright red.  He wouldn't/couldn't walk, was
breathing rapidly, and would shake when I pressed on his abdomen.  After
gagging a few times, he laid down on his side in an odd position and, well -
he took a nap.
Meanwhile, we panicked. I was worried about his spleen being ruptured -
since his is ENORMOUS (he's had blood in his stool & is on medication). We
called our vet (2hrs away & not good in such an emergency) and then called
several other area ferret vets, before being referred to a fully staffed
vet hospital that could see us and take care of any treatment from x-rays
to surgery.
As we began to pack him up for the trip he perked up, stretched from his
nap & stared getting around and quickly into trouble - within minutes he
was dashing down the hall towards the closet that had been left open. We
watched him for almost an hour - he was fine. Since it was midnight & Avery
was OK, we called the vet and canceled the trip.
We checked on him several times during the night and again today. Thank
goodness, he's absolutely FINE!! It just seems weird that he seemed so
injured one minute and was ok the next. Anyone else seen anything like this
or have any idea what might have happened?? And why does this kind of thing
only occur late on Sunday night or on Holiday weekends?!?
[Posted in FML issue 1348]