After dropping Caruso at the vet's for his neutering, I glanced at the
bulletin board. Imagine my surprise to see a flyer for a meeting of the
Friends of Ferrets club in Barberton OH (southwest of Akron) this Wednesday,
Oct 18, 7-9 pm.
This is a new club just starting up and this is their second meeting.  I
plan to go and will report back.  If anyone else in NE Ohio is interested,
call Don at 216-825-4261 or Rebecca at 216-940-2287 for directions.  I
talked to them both this evening, and they both sounded great.  It would be
lovely to meet some FMLers there.
Linda, Richard, Joy, Belle ("Hey, where is that big lug?") and Caruso (at
the vet's tonight for early morning surgery)
[Posted in FML issue 1347]