Well, I am probably going to get it now, but I don't care.  I give Jimi a
bath once a week, no exceptions.  I don't know if he stinks more than most,
but after a week I can't stand to go into my room.  I change his bedding
(old t-shirts) every day or two and clean his litter everyday.  I have bad
allergies, and bathing him helps A LOT.  His coat is VERY healthy.  Much
better than my friend's ferret and even the vet is impressed.  I give him
ferretone on treats about 5 times a week--I think that keeps his fur good.
Jimi doesn't mind the baths either.  I do another big no-no too, that was
deemed horrible a month or so ago, but no problems with Jimi ever--I
sprinkle just a little bit or vanilla carpet fresh on his bedding after the
big weekly clean-up.
Everyone, please don't jump all over me.  The vet says Jimi is the
healthiest she's seen and Jimi and I both are quite happy with our
[Posted in FML issue 1347]