You know your ferrets are spoiled when you buld a ramp especially for the
ferret with the bigger butt because she looks jealous when her brother is
on top of the window sil but she can't get there.
and...when you spend a fortune on fabric to make pillows special for them
with their "favorite colors" and spend a hour sewing them into their
townhouse so they don't end up in the litter box.
Lauren :)
         Yumm... Linatone!            Yumm... Raisins!
  "---"  /                     "---"  /
 (=o=o=)                      (=o"o=)
   \o/   _---_                  \*/   _---_
   /=\__/     \______           / \__/     \______
  _|_|----_|_|------           _|_|----_|_|------
      Trillian                       Zaphod
[Posted in FML issue 1347]