Hi All!
Just wanted to say that after reading so much about raisins and Ferritone I
decided to give it a try with my Nikki.  Both were a complete success!  She
loves them!  I'm so glad that I have finally found a treat that she likes.
I have tried everything under the sun to no avail.  The only positive
resoponse I ever got was to honey nut cheerios, and I figured being that
they are so sweet that they are probably not to good for her.  But now I
have a treat that she loves, so when she is a good girl I have something to
reward her with.
Also after reading about some concerns about baby fuzzies calming down I
just wanted to say that my Nikki was a spaz when I first got her.  She
screamed like a human infant ant bit and clawed whenever I picked her up.
As always the screaming went away with age and the scratching disapeared but
the biting remained.  Only now after two years has Nikki calmed down,
stopped biting and actually has begun cuddle.  So to all of you discouraged
new fuzzie owners hang in there it gets better with age!
Now I have a question for all of you many fuzzzie owners.  Nikki has lived
in the same place since I got her two years ago but now moving day
approaches.  I'm concerned that she might stress out since her sister Maddie
just passed away two weeks ago and she took it badly.  But now she is
beginnnig to be more herself and I want to make sure that I do anything and
everything to lessen her stress.  Also would it be way to much if I got
another companion for her shortly after the move?  I definetly want to get
her another friend because I'm sure she's lonely and would like another
fuzzie to dook with, after all mom and dad just aren't flexable enough!!
Thank you all for the information about breeders in NY.
Jaya ( the ferritone despenser)
Ang  ( The Raisin keeper)
& Nikki ( raisin junkie flying high on ferritone)
[Posted in FML issue 1346]