Okay... sigh.  I couldn't resist it.
A beautiful silver sable female only 6-8 weeks old...  god she was cute...
now my bank account hates me though.  Anyways.  Her name is Rune for the
white marking on her scruff and the stripe of black across her back
extending to her forepaws.
So! Now I have an energetic ferret and boy is there a difference between
HElen, Ceridwen, and Rune.  my... the older females nipped and licked
slightly at Rune's scruff, to display dominance I suppose, and Rune, the
little climber and playful thing she is DOOKDOOKDOOKed away and leapt
over n under them and left them mighty confused... =)
Any information, suggestions, or advice on dealing with introducing a new
younger member into the household, or different ways I need to care for a
younger ferrets would be appreciated at my email address or if its good
public kinda advice just post it... THANKS! :)
Dave, His bank account hates him, Welch
Helen, really I'm quieter now! I'mnot causing trouble *guilty look*, Ferret
Ceridwen, Gimme more raisins!, Ferret
Rune, DOOKDOOKDOOKwhinewhineNIP!, Ferret
[Posted in FML issue 1345]