>Hi all ....  just thought I'd share our misfortune.  Last Monday (Canadian
>Thanksgiving) we lost Hobbs - one of our male sables.  We were doing
>laundry and he managed to scoot into the dryer while we weren't looking
>and yes, we turned it on.....  Needless to say poor Hobbs didn't survive.
>It was a terrible scene ...  wife, kids and self terribly upset.  We
>buried him out back beside the gully leading down to the stream ...  a
>nice forest area.
    When I read this my heart went out to you as I had a similar experience,
though mine was with a dishwasher.  I found her and it was horrible as it
was obvious she had been trying to get out.  You are right it only take a
split second...like the reaching for one last dish.  Please know that my
heart goes out to you<dripping tears>
Ellie....the slave of Dink, Polar Bear, Bonsai!, and Foxy
[Posted in FML issue 1345]