We put duct tape down over the carpet- it doesn't look too hot, but it does
protect the carpet.  Pookie Bear still likes to dig.  Wwe think he likes the
sound that he makes.
Has anyone heard from Manuel since the last earthquake in Mexico?  Hope
he's OK.
Fuzzie hugs and kisses to everyone!
-Mrs. Duck and Mambo, Pookie Bear, Princess Pinky, Molly, Roxanne and Grace.
Mambo- "Nobody sleeps in MY blanket on MY bed with MY peoples, or they will
be sorry"
Pookie Bear- "Food, dook, food, dook, food, dook, pass the beer!"
Princess Pinky- "I am Pinky, the most beautiful of all.  Worship me."
Molly- "I teleport, therefor I am"
Roxanne- "Snuggle, snuggle, kiss, kiss...hmmmmm...steal the underwear..."
Grace- "I may be small, but I can kick Pookie's butt!"
[Posted in FML issue 1344]