Someone posted about digging carpet under doors.  Every ferret I have ever
known of does this, and I don't know anyone who has found a solution.  Jimi
dids at the carpet under doors, dressers, and sometimes even at the base of
the wall.  It drives me absolutely CRAZY!  I've tried yelling NO and
smacking my hands together behind him and even giving him a smack with a
fly-swatter.  He knows that it is bad, but the only way I can get him to
stop sometimes is to put him to bed in his cage.
If anyone knows anything that will help me teach Jimi to behave, please
let me know.  Has anyone ever tried those cat/dog trainers that make a
high frequency noise?  I was wondering if it might work on ferrets.
Thanks, Niki
[Posted in FML issue 1343]