Hi all. This is Rocket's mamma here. Hope you are all happy and healthy out
there.  I have a couple questions and responses. Here goes:
    Ferret affection: Rocket is a lover boy, loves to be held, when we let
him out in the morning he tries to climb up my leg.  (okay, that may be to
get the raisin Im holding :) ) I think the one thing we did to encourage his
snuggling was to pick him up when he was sleeping and put him on our lap.
He would lie there and get an ear rubbing, belly scratching, maybe a little
treat and just sleep.  I think he began to associate being held with
comfort, relaxation, and yummy treats.  If he is real excited, of course, he
wants down and he wants us to chase him but when he gets sleepy or if he is
just feeling mellow, he likes to be held and stroked.  Of course, it helps
that he is a very mellow ferret to begin with!
    8 in 1: I try and give Rocket a variety of high quality foods so that he
doesnt get fixated on one and not eat anything else.  I, of course, add in
new foods gradually and he usually will eat them with no problem.  8 in 1
took a little ( alot ) of encouragement.  I tried hand feeding it to him,
sprinkling it with garlic and brewers yeast (his favorite flavoring!) and
finally had to coat it in ferretone before he would try it.  I am up to
about 1/2 and 1/2 8 in 1 and Iams kitten and he seems to be eating it okay
but not with the enthusiasm he ate the Science Diet with.  Any of you have
trouble with 8 in 1?  It is the kind coated with raisin juice.  Did anyone
ever decide if this is too high in sugar for ferrets?  I think I may go back
to the Science diet after this is done.  Also, am I doing the right thing in
giving him a variety of foods slowly or is it best to keep him on one food
    What is a ferret?  Okay..._I_ know what a ferret is but what do you all
tell people who DONT know?  If I try and tell them the truth...That they are
a member of the weasle family I get this EWWWW, YUCK response.  If I tell
them they are alot like kittens only longer and skinnier I get the Ohhh, how
cute response.  Hmmm, so, how do you all answer "Whats a ferret?"
Sorry so long.  By the way, Rocket is all better from his little penis
injury, only took a couple of days and no intervention on my part.  See, I
worry to much, but Im the mamma...I am made to worry!
Diane and Alex and Rocket (I dont care what mom says, this stuff doesnt
taste like raisins!!)
[Posted in FML issue 1343]