Dear Friends -
    Hope some of you can help me in a semi-desperate situation.  I recently
moved in with my fiancee, who is not a big ferret fan, but is willing to put
up with Slinky and Pogo.  However, Pogo (my 9-month old MF male) keeps
licking, then biting, her ankle.  He has never done this to anyone else.  I
know bitter apple would work here, but she is not crazy about having to wear
bitter apple on her ankles whenever she is in the house.  I'm torn between
my fuzzy and my future wife - its very stressful for everyone.  Any tips out
Thanks - Mason, Pogo (bringing a new meaning to "carpet shark"), Slinky (the
"good" ferret), Leila (the stressed out cat in the new house), and her three
 cats (yes, its becoming a zoo....)
[Posted in FML issue 1343]