I am impressed with myself!!!  A while ago there was an article in The Net
magazine that reviewed a website which was apparently terrible so the
reviewer said "I would rather have my arm chewed off by ferrets than visit
this site" (or something equally as rude to that effect.)  So to sort of let
off some frustration I e-mailed a message to them from my fuzzies (well, not
really haha) and said that "since ferrets DON'T chew off arms, we can only
assume that you meant the site was actually super great and there is NOTHING
in the world you would rather do than visit it" and some other stuff.  Well,
I recently was told it was printed in the mag!!!  Round one to the ferrets,
YAY!!! (pass out the raisins and Linatone).
Ferret Outfitters drives me insane.  I had to order some stuff from them
through a friend in New Jersey because there was no order number for Canada.
They ended up the first time sending HER the items, both of which were
wrong.  Then she called and gave 'em heck and this time they have lost the
items somewhere between them and me.  This is not good, but it's just my
humble (humbling?) experience.
To whoever was asking about companies in Canada that make hammocks houses
etc. for ferrets, please e-mail me privately and I will give you the name of
a woman in our club who makes great ferret accessories.  Really good quality
and really really cheap.
I was corresponding with quite a few people through here about a virus that
was running rampant through our ferrety community.  It turns out it was not
the dreaded ECE, but a common bacterial thing called Campolobactor (I think
I spelled that wrong but that's how it sounds) which we've traced back to a
sick owner/person who appears to have passed it on.  It appears to be quite
easily treatable with specific medications and we have it nicely under
control (it only affected about 30 ferrets total).  So we are still ECE free
here in Canada (or at least my part of it).
Oh yeah....if you don't see a penis, your ferret's a girl :)
* * * * * * *
Ferrets & Friends Club & Rescue E-Mail:  [log in to unmask]
"dedicated to the preservation of the domestic ferret as a
 household pet", a no-kill, not-for-profit ferret facility.
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For more information about the FFCR try our homepage:
< http://www.geopages.com/Colosseum/1575 >
* * * * * * *
[Posted in FML issue 1343]