Just got Beowulf back from the vet.  He had a tumor removed from the tip of
his tail (and 1/2 inch of his tail to boot).  I'm suppose to get a call back
from the vet tomorrow on whether its benign or not.  The tumor was pretty
huge, about the size of my finger nail on my pinky finger.
What I'd like to know is whats the possiblity of a ferret getting a tumor,
the chances of it being cancerous, and what could possible cause it.  Any
info regarding this would be greatly appreciated!  BTW, Pandora is fine and
shows no signs of tumors anywhere on her.  later fellow ferretites.
Mike - dad's little boy got a boo-boo
Beowulf - 1/2 inch shorter but still a carpet shark
Pandora - love'n the Ferretone!!!
[Posted in FML issue 1342]