Gee, Hersey and Rags are great with me, for the most part but with company
they are not so great.  Gee is the first to assault someone, I think she
does it to let guests know who's house it is, then Hersey joins in , Rags
is the only none biter.  I have tried to discourage them from biting, with
a strong NO, but it takes a lot of NOs to make them stop.  How can I get
them out of the habbit?  Hersey bites for a different reason, when she is
anxious or frustrated, she chews on the carpet or on my hand, I give her a
chewy treat and that usually helps but not always.  What should I do for
the two of them, I entertain often and don't want to have to put them in
their cage when I do.
Aurora Deshauteurs
Drexel University
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[Posted in FML issue 1342]