Splash is a 4 year old champagne ferret - no mitts, no mask, no marks - and
he teleports all over the place.  He's been found hanging from the lamp
shades, up on the dining room table, on the computer key board, and he's
been rescued more than once from the garbage can where he was once caught
licking motor oil from a discarded can.
I used to tell people (non-ferret types) that he was part flying
squirrel, but they all thought I was serious so I don't say that anymore.
He's mellowed with age, but the first couple of years this boy kept me
hopping!  He even managed to find his way up to the top of the stove
where he began spreading food all over the place.  Fortunately, none of
the burners were on!
Debbie Riccio
Rochester, NY
[Posted in FML issue 1342]