What ought I do to clean Coco's ears?
First of all, she won't hold still, and squirms AWFUL.  We tried the
Ferretone on the tummy trick and got all her nails done that way...I
guess we'll try it for her ears.
But....the wax is "too hard" for me to wipe out with q-tips.  I've tried
the pet store, but can't find anything made specifically for cleaning
ears.  I seem to remember hearing that peroxide worked, but is it really
a good idea to potentially drip peroxide in her ears?  What else?
any suggestions...of course...
Laurel in Ohio and the zoo....Coco the ferret, Quincey and Brigit the
Italian Greyhounds, Maud the Persian, Lily the hamster, and Mahogany, the
queen Quarter Horse......
"a complicated life has so many opportunities..." -Karen Finley