Brian (and others) - I don't know too much about baby squirrels, but the
following info was posted to the Compmed mailing list recently, and the
people there might be of more help to you. Good luck!!!!! -hillary g.
(oh, and i'm 25, in case anyone was wondering :)  )
    The National Wildlife Health Center in Madison, Wisconsin, a Science
    Center of the National Biological Service, announces the development of
    a new group mailing list dealing with wildlife health.  The list --
    called WildlifeHealth -- will facilitate the exchange of information,
    case histories, questions and concerns regarding wildlife health
    issues.  The list will begin operation on October 16, 1995.
    To subscribe, send an email message to:  [log in to unmask]
    with the message
    SUBSCRIBE WildlifeHealth <firstname> <lastname>
    substituting your own first and last names in the spaces provided.
    For more information about the list or about developing partnerships
    for sharing and disseminating wildlife health information, contact
    Joshua Dein at [log in to unmask]
[Moderator's note: I'd also suggest you try the Wildlife Rehabber list,
 WLREHAB, out of VM1.NODAK.EDU.  Send a message to LISTSERV anyplace,
 like here or there, with SUBSCRIBE WLREHAB firstname lastname as the
 text to get on the list.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 1341]