Hey FMLers, this is a good news, bad news, good news story.
First the good news I got to go see my fuzzy Nixon over the weekend and his
playmate Ashley ( The I'll eat anything I can get my paws on, puppy)  It was
soooo great to see the two of them.  I only got to spend a few hours with
Nixon but it was great to see him.
That's the good news.  The bad news was the reason I saw them.  Note the
parenthesis after Ashley (our puppy 7mos.  old) Well..that's precisely the
reason I went to see them.  Thursday afternoon I got a call from my
girlfriend (she takes care of both), it seems that Ashley managed to get up
on the dresser and knocked over a bottle of Advil.  Well the rattle probably
enticed her; she ended up chewing throught the bottle and eating a large
quantity of advil.  She was rushed to an animal hospital where they treated
her in an ICU with an IV.  They weren't sure she would make it.  So I hopped
the first plane thursday night.  The second good news part is that she was
released about five o'clock sunday night.  As playful as ever.  With just a
little medication for her stomach.  :) :) :) I would like to thank all the
staff at the hospital where ashley was treated.  (I'd mention it by name,
but my Nixon still resides in an FFZ, it's just easier to hide him there
than where I am)
When I saw Nixon again it was like picking him up for the first time.  I
picked him up out of his hammock, from a deep sleep, and he looked at me all
bleary eye'd.  I melted.  I've missed him so much over the past months.  Out
of guilt for leaving him I even bought him some new toys.  Which brings me
to another question: Does Catnip affect ferrets?
Thanks for listening
Me, Nixon (you're here?  Where the h*ll have you been?  I missed you)
and Ashley(I'm so happy to see you I think I'll try to knock you unconcious
with this plastic thing they put around my head)
[Posted in FML issue 1340]