Seymour has been exibiting cat-like behavior since he met his first kitty-
pal, Nala.  He would use her litter box, and poop right in the middle,
rather than the corner.  Now if he would just bury it....  Also, he rolls
around on his back and streches just like a cat!  He naver did this before.
Its pretty funny2
More interesting is that my new kitty is starting to act like a ferret1 He
hops about in a very un-felinish way, and he bounces up the stares, which I
know for certyain he learned from Seymour!  He even makes a sound that is
more like 'jooking' than any cat sound I have ever heard!  It's pretty
wierd!  At least he hasn't climbed into the hammock....yet!
        Goodbye, dear fuzzy lovers! chook chook chook
P.S.  Please don't buy your ferret from a pet store!  E-mail me to find out
why!  I'll start an argumant and a big headache if I say it here, again!
[Posted in FML issue 1340]