Melissa here with something i remembered: Potpie won't get into trashcans
that i've put a scoop of mess from her litterbox into.  It's a handy and
usually not noticeably smelly way to keep ferret-accessible trashcans
safe from inquisitive ferrets. :) I think this works because i have a
small can with a bag i use when i clean their litterboxes out (daily or
2x daily), so they know what's in there...anyway, it's worked for me, so
you might wanna try it.
oh! having gotten to work, it seems that my digital camera pictures didnt
turn out so bad after all. Whee! So that's another scannerless option -
buy a digital camera. :) Software to manipulate the pics might be handy
as well... (
Melissa n the snoozin croo
    Melissa Litwicki                                    [log in to unmask]
    Radio Controlled Operation In Vivid Six Ways Of Movement With Reality!
[Posted in FML issue 1340]