I've been reading these posts for a week now and it seems that there's a
lot of helpful information floating around.  I just got a baby male ferret a
couple of days ago and boy, do I feel like a brand new father!  His name's
Rolo and he's only 6 weeks old.  The store I purchased Rolo from said he was
a little young to be taken from his mother, but that it wouldn't be a
problem.  A couple of my friends have ferrets and that is my only point of
comparison.  Now I have a couple of questions, like all new Fathers should.
First, is 6 weeks too young and what can I do to make it easier on him if
it is?  Also, he makes a lot of noise.  There is his playing sound, but
whenever I put him in his cage he screams.  I mean screams, you can here
him anywhere in the apartment.  Is that normal?
        Any help would be appreciated, Sincerely,
                A Brand New Father
[Posted in FML issue 1339]