Jeff: There's a neat little device out there called a Snappy.  It plugs
into the parallel port of your computer and into a video camera.  It's
perfect for chasing furry critters around for cute pictures.  It's about
$199 and has better resolution than a scanner.
(To see pix of my adorable gifts from the animal kingdom, look on my
hubby's home page...http://www.crl.com/~lanny/ They were taken with the
I have a 10 week old ferret.  I bought her at a pet store.  When I brought
her home, she seemed to understand the litterbox concept already.  Then I
went out and bought a 50lb bag of a different brand, and now she goes right
next to it.  grump.
One question:  When she's sleeping sometimes, she makes a wierd sound,
kinda like a cross between a crying baby and the hiccups.  Whenever I wake
her up, she 'hiccups' another time or to, and is fine.  Is this something
I need to worry about? (alright, I'm worried about it anyway, but do I
have a good reason to be worried?
Thanks for all the good advice and funny stories.  This list is a gold mine.
[Posted in FML issue 1339]