TO:    Anne Charbonneau <[log in to unmask]>
>I went to Burlington last sunday for a very fast trip (half a day) and
>wasn't able to find a pet shop.  Does someone can give me the location of a
>pet shop near the boarder were I can find 8 in 1 food???
If you speaking of Burlington, Vermont, there is the Pet Menagerie in the
University Mall you might also try Pet Food Warehouse at 2500 Williston
Road or 1906 Shelburne Road in Burlington.  Pet Advantage at 150 Dorset
I don't know if they carry 8 in 1, but there are several pet stores in the
Burlington area.
To:  Christa Besherse
Subject: Re: ferrets & bugs
>I know what you mean about our little bug-eaters being gross... "He's too
>cute to eat bugs!"
I heard Mooshi scampering about one afternoon last summer and then heard her
under the couch eating (she generally keeps a "stash" of food under there)
but it didn't sound like her normal eating ... it sounded crunchier ... it
was a cricket!  I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own
two eyes!  When I moved the couch a bit to see what she was doing, I
startled her, so she immediately stopped what she was doing and did her
usual innocent act by looking up at me with an angelic look on her face as
if to say: I wasn't doing a thing!  Unfortunately for her, there was a
partial cricket still in her mouth and and I knew exactly what she had been
up to!  All I could keep thinking was: how long has she been doing this?...
I kiss her all the time!...will I ever be able to kiss her again without
thinking about that cricket?
P.S.  We still kiss ... who could resist:-)
[Posted in FML issue 1338]