When my vet had to sign a health certificate for my fuzzies to fly on
American Airlines (a company that is violently anti-ferret and will not fly
ferrets), she wrote down:  "Species:  Cat    Variety:  Polish"
The vet felt that she certified a cat of the "Pole" variety (polecat) and
was therefore not really telling a lie.  Because one cannot see inside the
carrier cage, and it is padlocked, the ferrets flew without incident, and
the certificates were accepted.  BTW, the vet consented to do this because
she called AA and had a screaming fit with them when the AA rep told her
that the airline could not possibly transer ferrets because ferrets were
"vicious, biting, wild animals that carried lots of diseases and were far
too dangerous to transport." !!!!
- Erika (Misty, Sasha, Lizzie)
[Posted in FML issue 1337]