Hi -- We're a family of four people (2 daughters 13 and 16) and two ferrets
(Pongo, male albino, about a year, and Laska, female sable, about 3 1/2).
We've been lurking now for a few months (lurking sounds so *sinister* --
my 13 year old daughter and I particularly love to read the list and feel
touched by all the good hearted people out there who love ferrets.)  We
also have a miniature Schnauzer  and a tabby cat.  Everybody gets along
well, even for the most part, the teenagers.
There have been so many stories about ferrets dying since we joined the
list.  We also lost a ferret this summer, apparently from the heat.
Although in general, we don't seem to have any of the health problems we
read about here.  So far so good, knock on wood.
Makes me wonder though, is this an unusual time in the lives of ferrets and
their owners?  Are there more deaths than usual?  Or is it that people just
regularly share what moves them, and it helps to share sadness from the
death of a loved companion?  The support of ferret owners for each other is
Rue Hass
[Posted in FML issue 1332]