Well, after hearing all the stories about bug eaters, I now know that it
isn't just MY ferrets with deviant behavior like this.
My ferrets (way back when, when there were only two.  Remember those days?)
used to live outside in a run on the porch.  We built it two feet off the
ground so that things like slugs couldn't smell the food and get in.  Who
knew slugs could climb???  They would inch into the run and BooBoo was in
HEAVEN!!!  He ate every slug he could and relished them.  This had a two
fold affect a) we scrounged up the cash to buy an indoor cage big enough for
both ferrets b) my boyfriend has refused to let a ferret kiss him again,
ever.  Can't say I blame him much...
We have pet rats and my ferrets will sit in front of the cage and stare at
them for hours and hours.  They really want to eat them...they'll paw at the
cage and dook away like mad. Once we took out a rat to see what they would
do and BooBoo tried to run off with it.  They could care less about bunnies
Milo and Mazzy both come running to the squeaky toy and Milo does his best
to destroy it.  I never thought it was because the noise hurt his ears, I
always kind of thought it was because he can't stand to hear something make
a noise or see something move and not play with it.  I thought he was trying
to kill it so he could go play somewhere else.  He always hides them where
no other ferret can find them, thus keeping them from squeaking and letting
him go about his activities (like stalking the dog and stealing my
roommate's sneakers and biting the laces off).  And oh boy, when those rats
start squeaking, Milo goes out of his MIND!!!
* * * * * * *
Ferrets & Friends Club & Rescue E-Mail:  [log in to unmask]
"dedicated to the preservation of the domestic ferret as a
 household pet", a no-kill, not-for-profit ferret facility.
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For more information about the FFCR try our homepage:
< http://www.geopages.com/Colosseum/1575 >
* * * * * * *
[Posted in FML issue 1337]