I have been referred to Dr. Howard Lawrence in Spokane, WA for Idgie's
adrenal surgery--if we get it done.  Has anyone out there dealt with this
guy or heard of him?????  I'm calling him this afternoon to see if he will
do the surgery without the added cost of the UTenn adrenal panel, since she
has hair loss on the tail, back feet, lower abdomen, and between shoulder
blades a little because I can see reddish skin, itching more, vulvar
swelling, teats look larger and are definitely redder.  Her energy is still
good in fact more than Lisa's when playing, but she is tiring out faster
than she used to (i.e., not hyper playing as long, but still running around
investigating).  Any comments are appreciated.  I couldn't find my STAR
list of vets.
Thanks, Lindy Garner
[Posted in FML issue 1336]