Hi there. Have a question for you about Rocket. He is a happy, healthy, 1.5
year old male (neutered and descented). Last night, out of desperation, I
had to trim his nails on my own (usually a two person job but my SO wasnt
around). He had gotten a nail caught on the rug and I figured it was time
for a trim. Anyhow, I tried the ferretone on the belly technique to keep
him occupied and it worked well. But, this morning I noticed that his
little, um, nub on his tummy (remnants of a penis no longer there? or is it
still there and just not functional?) was very red and raw looking and
there looked like a little dried blood. I tried to put the ferretone as
high up on his tummy as he could reach but I think he went nuts and just
licked his whole belly clean! (he REALLY loves that stuff!) I hadnt noticed
this before the nail trimming so I assume that is what it resulted from. He
is peeing fine, no blood there, and he is not tender at all, just raw. Is
there something I should put on it to make sure it doesnt get infected? I
wiped off his belly with a wet washcloth and he didnt seem to care. Should
I just keep an eye on it?
Thanks for the help!
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[Posted in FML issue 1336]