Just wanted to get some info about ferret cages.  I'm going to upsize my
fuzzies' condo as all three share the same cage.  Not to worry--there is
plenty of room now as they're all kits and this is a three-level cage.
They really seem to enjoy being with each other, so I'd like to get another
cage so they'll all be together as they grow up.  Local stores have very
limited selections.
PS: Update on Binky's toilet training--she's used the litter box every
time since my last post.  Maybe it was a full moon or something...
Chad(my toes are NOT chew toys)
Jackson(my person named me after a surgical drain--I wish he'd get a life)
Binky(hee hee hee)
Possum(mmm-my person's toes taste great!)
[Posted in FML issue 1361]