I would just like to remind everyone in the NH, MA, & VT area the we will be
holding our Ferret Halloween Costume Contest on Oct 8th at 4:30
Nashua Senior Center
70 Temple st
Nashua, NH
Also there will be a TV crew there (I have already done the interview &
ferret ed.  & MA bill part of the show, they are only taping the costume
part for additional footage to show support for the MA ferret bill) They
have asured me that they will not tape any MA residents that do not want to
be taped.  If you are from MA and would like to enter the contest we will
have a NH or VT resident hold your ferret.  All ferrets must be vaccinated
for canine distemper & rabies and be in good health.  Anyone bringing a
ferret in will be given ECE info at the door before the ferret is let in.
We also have a sort of informal pot luck dinner (everyone just eats when
they want) so if you can, bring something to share.
Tri-state Frisky Ferrets is a nonprofit working and social club!
[Posted in FML issue 1335]