I am glad to hear that Manuel will be able to keep his family indoors now.
However I would still like to touch upon some of the things discussed here.
1. High Temperatures:
I do not see how high temperatures will affect the health of ferrets or any
other animal.  That is if that animal has had a proper transition period to
get use to the higher temperatures.  Please correct me if I am wrong in
this thinking.  If you correct me please also correct one of my sources.
(Georgia Domestic Ferret Association; no date; What is a Ferret?(Can
ferrets be housed outdoors?  Yes, under certain conditions.......  They
should not be introduced to extreme temperatures (above 85 degrees and
below 45 degrees) without a transition period, as it would be a shock to
their system).  Please also remember that in a lot of other countries the
people of that country can not afford a/c and there fore do not have it.
2 They can escape and get under the hood and when you start the
motor....Ouch.  They would not be able to crawl through the fire-wall
separating the passenger compartment from the engine compartment unless
someone has modified the fire-wall.  I.E.  Drilled bigger than needed holes
to route cable, controls, etc.
This a small note: I do not leave my pets outdoors unattended in a vehicle
or otherwise.  I do not have to and I will not do this.  I do understand
the concern for his families safety.  I do agree for the most part with the
I have not seen a public compliment to Dr. Weiss and Dr. Williams.  I
must appuald and pat them on the back for taking time out from family to
help in medical matters with our loved ones.  They deserve a lot better
than than an appauld and pat on the back but it is the only thing I can
give them via E-mail.  Thanks, many thanks to the both of you.
[Posted in FML issue 1328]