Hello Again Fellow Carpet Sharkees
    A recent post mentioning Pine Fresh and where to get it caught my eye
and sent me searching the old notebook for the maker.  From the heart of
Carolina furniture, the sawdust capitol of the world, we find:
    CANSORB INDUSTRIES      300 lbs     $58.50
    555 Kesler Rd           UPS         $26.95
    Cleveland NC 27013
    1 704 278 9603          (As of two years ago, no Credit Cards)
Its not much higher than that at the local Food Lion at $1.88 / 7 lbs.
but half the fun is letting the poor UPS person drag the SIX 50 lb
cartons down the walk to the house, looking curious, and not daring to
ask....  I can scarcely remember such a disappointed look on the sweaty
face of the brown suited Santa's helper... Cat Litter ????!!  #@%$###
CAT Litter ???
  Bob, you're a sadistic slob...
    Am NOT
  Are too
        (   (
        )  )       __        .,.,.
       (  (     ,:~  '\.    (:o`o:)           Ann & Bob Martin
        )  )  / ::     `;,,/`. ^,'             Lynchburg, VA
       (     /.::.            ,'             [log in to unmask]
       )   .;:::::;.     .::;'   foo
          ,;:;:::::;.  .,::::             home of [ a Poco a Poco ]
   :.,,,;,;'  \;;;;:.'''   ':;,          LIFE Supreme Grand Champion
    ~''''         ``~'
[Posted in FML issue 1328]