Hello Everyone!
Announcing the Triangle's new ferret club:
Several days ago someone posted re: not being able to find a North Carolina
ferret club.  Fortunately, several of our club members  (FML regulars)
noticed and she has been invited to join our group!  Thanks, guys!  Well,
now that the word's out, I guess it's time to make the formal announcement!
We are a small (but growing)group of enthusiastic ferret folks (mostly
FMLers)from the Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill-Research Triangle Park, North
Carolina area (central N.C.).  Our first meeting was a big success and we
were fortunate to have Pam & John Grant from STAR Ferrets "drop in"
(literally!) to help us kick it off!  We have a lot of great ideas & are
really excited about the possibilities for this club, so please join us at
our next meeting on Saturday, October 7, 1:00 p.m. in Durham.  One of our
first projects was to start a Triangle Ferret List.  This list is primarily
for use by members to keep in touch with each other and provide updates on
club events.  Please e-mail [log in to unmask] to add your name to the
list.  We are currently still in the planning stages, and working on our
agenda, member info., etc.  so please join us!
Found ferret:
We (my husband & I) operate "Rogues Gallery" ferret shelter in Durham, NC
and this evening got a call from a local pet store to pick up a young female
ferret who was found in Creedmoor on Saturday night, (9/23) in the middle of
a rain storm.  When she was found, she was cold & dripping wet, but other
than some ear mites (& a mild cold!) she seems pretty healthy.  She's a bit
skittish and nippy, but seems to have been fairly well treated by whoever
lost her.  If anyone is missing (or knows anyone who's missing) a ferret,
please contact me at the above home e-mail address or at work
[log in to unmask]
Karen and the (ever-growing) gang:
Lao Bear ("I'm a lover, not a fighter!")
Gurgey (The Ferrinator)
Samantha ("Chill out Gurgey, or I'll kick your butt!")
Puka (Zzzzzz)
Taz ("Chill out, Gurgey or Samantha will kick your butt!")
Fizzgig ("I can take him, Taz! . .Samantha, go kick his butt!" Sassy? Puka?
Sassy ("Don't look at me, I'll just stay over here, under the dresser. . .)
"Gypsy" ("I wanna go home!)
Lady & Jake (dogs), Jenny & Willow (cats) - "Get those things outta here!"
Tigger (kitten) - "Mom, it attacked me!"
Fuzzball (rabbit) - "Duh. . ."
[Posted in FML issue 1328]