    I'm new to the list.  I have only one "carpet shark" now, but have
had two previously.  What I'm looking for now, is a Ferret Wheel.  I have
been unable to find one locally and unfortunately lost my "Ferret Digest"
address.  I believe that was the name.  They offered mail order ferret
    The other question I have is if anyone has any experience with a
"Ferret Wheel".  Will Taz-bear actually use it ?  She is getting kind of
fat.  I don't let her out as much as she needs to get out because I have a
pregnant Cocker and she is not in the best of spirits.
    If Taz would use the wheel the I would get her one.  It would be better
for her to get some exercise...
    Thanks everyone. I enjoy the newletter.
   Rick ([log in to unmask])
[Posted in FML issue 1326]