Hi all!  I've only been reading the FML for a few weeks and I think it's
great!!  I have four fuzzy babies, Sammy (3 yr old male), Tequila (3 yr old
female), Cinnamon (2 yr old female) and Buddy (2 yr old male).  Last June, I
took all four ferrets to the vets for their yearly boosters.  I've recently
moved to a new town, so I have a new vet.  This vet used Galaxy-D for their
distemper vaccination!  I was wondering if my babies are protected or should
I have them re-vaccinated with Ferrac-D (my old vet used Ferrac-D).
Also, Buddy had a bad reaction to the vaccinations right after (they all got
their rabies shot at the same time).  He didn't have a problem last year,
but he's only two years old so last year was his first series of shots.
To Barbkitty:
I think it's great that you want to start a pet show for non-pedigreed
animals.  I have an 8-month old shepherd-mix named Max.  I have a lot of fun
taking him to obedience classes!  He listens very well and learns quickly.
He even behaves better than some of the full-bred dogs in the class.  But, I
can't enter him in obedience trials since he's not full-bred.  They have
practice trials that any kind of dog can enter, but that's not the real
[Posted in FML issue 1326]