shannon, baby and al.
IMHO - one pump a week or 2-3 drops a day.  I only use it to occupy the
ferret while trimming the toenails or when introducing a new ferret to the
food in the house/shelter.
One really GOOD TREAT that many of us do not think about is a free sample
bag of quality kitten food that is a different brand than we are feeding at
home.  Same high quality nutrition, and because the new food is being
offered as a treat (ie only a few pieces a day) it will usually not cause
stomach upset.  the ferret does not know that this "treat" is really just
food, and if they accidentally find and devour the bag's contents, it won't
be as bad as eating umpteen raisins or a box of Cherios.
Think about it.
[Posted in FML issue 1326]