A couple mornings ago I was woke up by one of my fuzzies licking my face.
I thought ooohhh, how nice it must be Ernie cuz he would do that when he
was a kit.  Then - CRUNCH - OOOOWWWWW!!  It was Elmo and he had a death
grip on my nose!  I grabbed him, got his teeth extracted from my nose and
proceded to show him why it was not nice to bite mommie in the nose.  I
couldn't believe it!  He even drew blood.  Why is he doing this!?  First it
was just these little licks on my arms and then the biting.  Now this.
Does he just want attention or should I be afraid for my life!?
On a side note.  Two weekends ago I went to Vegas and was in the Meadows
Mall and just had to take a trip to the pet store cuz they usually have
ferrets.  There they were - what seemed like thousands of them in a cage.
They were sooo cute.  My mother and I were gaggling over them then different
people put their two cents worth in "Don't let them fool you.  I had three
and they're MEAN" "They are viscious animals!".  At which my mother and I
turned to leave and said "They are only viscious if you don't know how to
train them right!" (said in a disgusted tone).  One thing that is very
difficult to get over when we are trying to educate people on what wonderful
pets these guys are is people who don't know how to raise them and then say
things like that.  I find people all the time who tell me that they had a
friend who had a ferret and it was the meanest thing in the world.  Ugghh.
(of course three days later Elmo tried to take my nose off!!)
Pamela K. Barber
Flagstaff, AZ
[Posted in FML issue 1319]