>I have been quoted $280-340 for the surgery with a 50/50% risk.
I was wondering if this price is typical for ferret adrenalectomies in
the States? My vet up here in Canada quoted me $175 (and that's Canadian
dollars) when Bud needed an adrenalectomy, if there were no complications.
As it turned out there were, and the price ended up at about $370, but
that's still only about $275 US.  Dr. Bardutz has 15 years experience with
ferrets, was recommended to me for ferrets by every other vet I've talked to
in town, and seems very knowledgeable.  Every time I bring up some snippet
of info I've read about on the Ferret List he seems to already be familiar
with it.  And his fees are very reasonable; often times he gives me reduced
rates, and sometimes doesn't charge at all for minor visits.  He is a great
vet who seems to know a lot and care a lot about ferrets.  I don't know
whether there are any legal hurdles to this, but if any of you are anywhere
near Regina, Canada (which is about 100 miles north of the border, above the
north-east corner of Montana), and you don't have access to a good ferret
vet, you might consider him if your fuzzies need surgery.  He has cared for
my ferrets for over 3 years, and I have no complaints.  Again that's
Dr. P.E. Bardutz
Ross Park Animal Clinic
304 McDonald Street
Regina, SK, Canada
S4N 6P6
In related news, I noticed this weekend that Bud (who had an adrenalectomy
on August 22nd) is sprouting new hair all over his body. What a welcome
sight! It makes me think my little boy's gonna be ok. :)
John Rosloot, Caregiver to Buddy, Cassidy and Sammy
Technical analyst, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Regina
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
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[Posted in FML issue 1319]