Well, there has been great wailing and gnashing of teeth in the Thomas
household. The new kitten came home last night. He (yes, I know I said
I was gonna get a girl, you know how it is ...) is tentatively named
Psycho, which is probably a good name for any cat, possibly Buddy, because
he has enormous eyes like the ancient black &white cartoon Buddy. He also
has huge head, huge ears, and huge paws. Unfortunately, his body is very
scrawny, making it easy for Seymour to beat the crap out of him! The kitty
eats like a pig, so he should be putting on some weight quickly. The little
guy is only 7 weeks old. Seymour seems to want to make friends, though
he's terribly jealous. Sometimes he'll go off into a closet and mope. Not
in the back of the closet to take a nap, but right in the doorway where
we can see the pitiful look on his face. But other times, he follows the
kitten around and tries to get it to play. Problem is, as soon as the
kitty starts to play, Seymour gets too exited and takes a chomp at the
new kid. I don't want to use Bitter Apple, cause I don't want to discourage
Seymour from playing with him. We'll have to wait it out and see. And I'm
gonna have to get used to this, because when the lease runs out on the
apartment, we want to move into a small house in the country, where I plan
to have at least 5 of every domestic species on Earth. Double that number
for the ferrets(hee-hee).
Well, I'm hoping to sort this thing out about MF once and for all (as far as
a 19 yr.-old college student can sort out anything, that is) so if you have
anything to say about it, or any suggestions about how to go about finding
out what's fact and what's fiction, please e-mail me.  Once again, I'd like
to keep this off the list, for now anyway, SO SEND IT TO ME!!!
        Good- day to all from Barb, Seymour, and the Psycho-kitty.
Seymour- Come, young Jedi, you must join me on my never-ending mission to
destroy the apartment.
Psycho- Why?
Seymour- To make sure Mom and Dad don't get thier security deposit back.
Psycho- Why?
Seymour- Because it's fun.
Psycho- Why?
Seymour- Ah, you as too many questions, kid. *chomp
[Posted in FML issue 1318]