>From:    Kathleen Boaz <[log in to unmask]>
>Now for the infamous question: what color is my ferret?  Sparky has
>white undercoat, top guardhairs are grey/silver, four white paws, white
>tip on his tail, white chest and white face with grey mask.  Does anyone
>have any ideas?
Wow... whatever color he is, he sounds very like my Beckett in the summers,
save for Beckett's face is like the top of his body, the silvery color (not
white except for his mask). I think the correct color name is 'adorable,'
but that's just me. :)
>From:    Ellen Byrne <[log in to unmask]>
>I do like pine fresh more than the woodchips.  But the woodchips are much
Umm... I missed the original wood chip info request but I think it's been on
here several times, and in the FAQ, but wood chips are BAD for ferret and
their cages. I had one ferret (before I knew) scratch himself raw. I
couldn't see any fleas and was beside myself trying to figure out the
problem. Goodbye wood chips, goodbye itchy skin.
>I think that you may be right.  Norm may be allergic to fleas.   The scab
>that you spoke of might be due to Norm's scratching.  Talk to a vet and
Or it could be the woodchips..
That's all for now,
Ahn (the mom), Jon (the dad), and Applejuice, Beckett, Max.3, Knack, Rogue
and Gambit (the ferrets)
[Posted in FML issue 1317]