I never got to meet you my precious big boy,
but I have held you a thousand times in my heart.
You were my long distance adopted son and nothing has ever been or will ever
be so special to me as you were and are.
You managed to last almost seven years but I didn't get to know you until
such a tragically short time ago!
I know you felt my arms around you and the whispers of love and comfort
though they were so very far away.
With all my heart and soul I grieve for you but know you have crossed the
Rainbow Bridge and are now at peace and no longer in pain.
Someday I will cross too and will be looking for you the moment I arrive.
I understood the pain only too well and told you only a few days ago that I
didn't want you to hang on for me and your namesake "The New Fang" any
longer if you didn't want to.
I love your mommy with all my heart for she took you in when no one else
would and gave you the most wonderful home you could have possibly wanted.
I too am your mommy but she was the lucky one that got to hold you tight and
love you so strongly that in the very end she did all she could to help you
pass without pain and suffering.
Your mommy is such a special lady to have been able to do that for you.
You were a loving big boy of a fuzzie and you will be soooooooo very missed,
but now you are a Guardian Angel Ferret with Halie at your side and Nermal
just before you.
The fearsome threesome in Ferret Heaven!
Your picture is the most precious possession I have now and it will be
enlarged and hung above the mantle with all my love.
We knew you were in such great pain for you uncharacteristically bit some
people in the end.
It was a cry for us to help you and to gently let you go.
The hardest thing I've ever done my baby boy!
You taught me and My Fang about fuzzy life and gave us such joy, love and
You gave me the most cherished gift of all, A TRUE FRIEND!
You passed along your knowledge to TNF and he learned all he could from you
before you left this world.
Tonite I felt the severity of a loss I didn't even know had happened yet.
I lay outside under the stars and cried for no reason until I found out you
had left our earth.
All my fuzzy babies were soooo loving today and insisted on going to stores
with me tonite and I couldn't understand it, but now I do!
TNF will proudly carry on the name and will do you proud as though he were
YOUR son!
I held him tight and couldn't let him go for fear he might decide to join
you way to soon.  I repeat now my last words to you so you will remember
them and never forget!
MY DEAREST TAF :  I am so sorry you feel terrible but you must remember NOT
to gum to death any unsuspecting people.
I KNOW IT HURTS,  I send to you my best and most loving gentle hugs,
whispers of comfort in your ears and wishes for you to feel better or for
the Ferret God to silently and comfortably take you to him.
No longer hold on for me and TNF we understand if you want to leave this
world by the Rainbow Bridge.  We may never have gotten to meet you but we
LOVE you just the same.
You my big boy are my long distance adopted son and I  shed tears of love
for  you each day.
The Ferret God has sent to me two most dear disabled ferrets but I thank him
they are not in pain but the most gentle and loving fuzzies I have.
I am such a  ----  because with all the demands on me due to them I have not
sent the pics but I swear to GOD and all I love they go out in the morning
next day delivery so if you can hold on for a couple of days you and your
mommy can share them together, I hope!!!!   Please KNOW you are most loved
and will be MOST missed.
  You have given me the most precious gift I could have received, A TRUE
 Know I will never turn away a fuzzie in need and will fight to the death to
help one.
  If I can ever start a ferret club here it or the newsletter will be named
after you I promise.
  Your life will have never been in vain and it will serve as a constant
reminder to all, as tho I could EVER forget you.
  You and HALIE the Guardian Angel Ferret will be joined together and I know
you will watch over me and mine along w/Sheena and hers.
 I will have two Ferret Guardian Angels and knowing my 8 we will need both of
you full-time!!!!
  I LOVE YOU FANG, know that in your heart and soul forevermore!!!!!!
How do I let you go from my heart now though?
I mean you will ALWAYS be in my heart but somehow I MUST let you go and feel
that this is best.
How can I love each of my babies with all my heart but then when I lose you
the entire heart breaks from the sadness to the bottom of my soul?
You were a wise and loving fuzzy that imparted a knowledge that cannot be
replaced to me and mine and all that knew you for even a moment.
I will talk to you each and every nite for the rest of my days and pray that
now you are happy and at rest.
Hold me tight my love and never let me go for what would I do without you?
The world has lost the most special fuzzy of all but I was the most fortunate
of people for I can say that I knew and loved you.
My fuzzies are sad and grieving right now but later they will do a wardance
of joy and will converse with the Ferret God so as to ensure your wings and
your place upon high!
Now you can wardance too and dook with unbounding enthusiasm as you fly
through the heavens protecting all you survey.
You were the strongest boy I have ever known and held on just long enough to
put ME at peace with myself.
Such a gift cannot be replaced in this lifetime my love.
Perhaps now you have become my Pega-ferret flying through the starry nites
with pride and glee soaring to heights formerly unknown.
Now residing in a land of neverending Ferretone and the best of all ferret
Fly high my most cherished son and always land on my heart where you will be
warm, safe and full of undying love.
All the most wonderful treats are now yours to eat to your heart's content
and NO CALORIES now!
All your teeth are back and long, strong and white as snow.
All pain has been replaced with a warm "FUZZY" feeling that you knew only in
your mother's womb.
Hold tight my shooting star for you are now on the ride of your existence
with all the other Guardian Angel Ferrets.
Hot tears course down my cheeks but a smile touches my lips as I remember
Oh Ferret God how do I say goodbye???????
Please help me to accept that one of my babies is now gone!
If only I had wings to have flown to you and held you tight as you Crossed
Over the Rainbow Bridge!
My life was so enriched by knowing and loving YOU!
Perhaps this is why I myself considered crossing the Rainbow Bridge so many
times this week.
Take care child of light and fly so high the past will never catch you!
Remember ONLY the most wonderful of memories and NEVER forget me and mine for
we shall never forget you!
ALL MY LOVE Kelleen, Your long distance Mommy and TNF "The New Fang" who so
proudly carries your name into the future so all will remember you.
(P.S. :   I am shortly starting Idaho's first Ferret Club and it will be
known as FANG, Ferret Association of Neverending Glee!!!!!!)
[Posted in FML issue 1315]