I just took my 5 yr.old female, Emma, to Dr.  Weiss in Potomac, DC.  My ex
called me and told me that her vulva had swollen over the past 2 weeks.
Last year she had hair loss and the vet here did an ultrasound but didn't
find anything.  Also, I didn't know then what I do now about adrenal
problems.  It was a three hour trip one way but I didn't know of anyone
experienced in Adrenal surgery around here.  Anyway, Dr.  Weiss examined
her and is supposed to do the surgery tommorrow.  I felt bad about having
to leave her overnight, but we couldn't stay down there.  Emma seemed in
good spirits when we left her and she is otherwise in good health.  I'm
waiting nervously to find out how everything goes tommorrow.  Everyone
please say a prayer for her safe recovery.  Thank You.
Fred R.
Mickey, Niki, Merlin, and Crystal...
also (in ex's custody) Emma, Toby, and Samantha.
[Posted in FML issue 1315]