My boyfriend and I got our first ferret back in March...Abi was my birthday
present. What a terrific gift she turned out to be!  She is now nine months
old, and last Friday got a new brother...a light haired sable male named
Samson.  At only 10 weeks, he is bigger and wilder than Abi, but also a lot
cuddlier.  I think this is due to the fact he is only a baby and can switch
from on to off instantaniously.  Wherever he lands when his body says it's
time for a nap is where he sleeps.  Abi, on the other hand, could be
thoroughly exhausted but will not sleep unless she's in her hammock or
inside our new sofa. (Within ten minutes of having it, she found a gap in
the lining between the corner cushions, and you'd think we bought her a
little piece of heaven.)
SO...we are now totally hooked on the little fuzzies, and are eagerly
searching out all the info we can possibly get our hands on so we can bring
our little ones up as wonderfully as possible.  Conrad said in a year or
two he'd like to have 5 or 6 of them, and a room in our house (which we
don't have yet) turned into "the ferret room", kinda like the monkey exibit
at the zoo. Complete with tubes and carpet and hanging things, etc.  I told
him if he asks the right questions, I'll talk about it then.
I would like to respond to one of the messages I read this morning from the
person who had their arm in a sling and their ferret likes to sleep there:
This is probably no new news to the ferret veterans out there, but your
little one probably knows you are hurt and is trying to comfort you!  I
have had cats in my house my whole life, and will swear that cats know when
their people are sad.  They can sense if you are ill or depressed or
whatnot, and will come and sleep on your lap or be near you as if to say
"I'm here to make you better!"  My mom had a really bad chest cold one year
and one of our cats - who normally hates people - slept on her stomache
(really!) or next to her just under her chin for a week!  I would venture
to guess that ferrets have that same ability... Alky sleeps in your sling
because she doing her part to make your hurt to go away (and a little more
Linotone would hurt either, I bet!)
Well, this has turned into a novel, so I'll be going now!  Abi and Samson
say hello to all their new cyber-friends and hope to talk again soon!
Heather, Conrad, Abi and Samson!
[Posted in FML issue 1315]