<<I have been trying to train them to poop in one corner of the room....  I
have tried hanging around and waiting for them to poop and then picking
them up and putting them in the box and then rewarding with linatone.  This
works to a point but...  sheesh they're smart.  >>
When my fuzzies wake up I put them in the litterbox (not always) they
always try to escape but some times I don't let them go play till they
poop, this has worked fine but...  well you are not going to believe this,
some times they actually try to fool me, they act the whole thing!  (assume
the position, wait for a few seconds and run) if after that I insist, some
times even if they don't want to they poop, I still don't know if they do
it to pleas me or to get me off their case.  Any way, if this is not the
best method at list I get a good laugh when they act (fake) it.
You can bet they're very smart!
Alcantara and the fuzzies pooping act, Momo and Bogie.
[Posted in FML issue 1311]