Hi all,
WE have just adopted a male polecat, who is the cutest, chubbiest little
fellow we've seen.  He's now quite affectionate with both of us, but
unfortunately not with our Buffy (incidently, Buffy's the dog !).
Everytime, they encounter each other, even with supervision, they both open
their mouths as if meaning to eat each other.  annnnnnnddd whaddaya know,
Munchkin (that's the ferret) launches at Buffy, and sinks his teeth into
Buffy's leg to find out what "Buffy Burger" tastes like.  Naturally Buffy
snaps at him, and then the rest is up to your imagination !
Can anybody suggest how we might get them both to calm down and get along ?
We've tried Bitter Apple and Buffy likes it, but Munchkin bites harder and
won't let go.
Hsien-Jin, Paik-Tsin, Munchkin and Buffy
                                            / _-------_ \
 Hsien-Jin Teoh                            / /         \ \
 Clinical Unit,                           | |           | |
 Dept of Psychology,                     |__|_---------_|__|
 University of Western Australia      /-\|        |        |/-\
 Nedlands, WA 6009                   | _ |\       |       /| _ |
 [log in to unmask]                |(_)| \      |      / |(_)|
 Tel : 09-380 2644                   |___|__\_____0_____/__|___|
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[Posted in FML issue 1309]