Gee, I guess this is my week for funny ferret stories.  I was sitting at
the computer working on a spreadsheet.  I had the cordless phone on the
desk next to me.  The phone rang and I picked it up.  I said, "Hello", but
no one answered.  I thought I could hear a bit of rustling, but no one
would respond so I hung up figuring it was a prank call.  I went back to
the spreadsheet and, after a couple of minutes, the phone rang again.  I
answered, but again there was no response, only rustling from the other
end.  This time I got suspicious and walked down the hall with the phone
still on.  I could hear the noise on the other end of the line getting
louder and could hear my own voice now coming from the bedroom.
I looked in the room and there was my sable male, Merlin, on the nightstand
pushing the intercom button on the cordless phone base unit with his little
paw.  He appeared as if he was having great fun.  I called his name over
the phone so he could hear it on the intercom speaker, and he looked up at
me.  I busted out laughing, and I could swear he was grinning back at me.
I picked him up, gave him a big kiss, and carried him back to the computer
room with me.  Thank God for ferrets.
Fred R.
Mickey, Niki, Merlin, and Crystal...
[Posted in FML issue 1309]