First of all - to Kim Gearing - WELCOME TO THE LIST!  Hope Pam Greene's
article, "Ferrets on the Net" in Ferret Chatter a couple of issues ago,
helped you find you way here!  :)
Second of all, for those of you with fighting ferrets.....Modern Ferret
magazine asked me to write an article on how to deal with this problem,
and it will be printed in their next issue.   Since there are SOOOO MANY
FERRETS FIGHTING these days, this would be a good time to subscribe to
Modern Ferret Magazine!
Once the issue is released, I would be happy to email the article to anyone
who would like to read it, however, you won't be able to see all the
pictures of my gorgeous little ones unless you buy the magazine.  :)
BTW, about a month or so ago, there was a question about just what those
2 blue dots in your MF ferret's ears are for, and Dr Judi Bell (staff vet
at MF) has written an article on that very subject for our newsletter,
Ferret Chatter.  Once the next issue of FC is out (which will be shortly)
I will be happy to reprint the article here for those of you who do not
subscribe to our newsletter.
Debbie Riccio
Rochester, NY
[Posted in FML issue 1308]