Just wanted to make my little announcement.  Our little group of six is now
8!!!!!  I just bought twins yesterday!!!  A little boy and a little girl aged
8 mos. from MF we believe (the tatoos) but can't be certain!  The previous
family said they got them as little kits from the Humane Society.  The little
girl is named Raistlin and the little boy is Caramon.  Apparently when they
got them Raistlin had a bad sore on her face that the vet thought was an
infected tooth ( I wouldn't doubt this since Silly had the same thing awhile
back) She lanced it and there have been no further problems.  Raistlin is an
albino, my first!  I have told David in the past that I might never have an
albino unless I ran into one needing a good home and fell in love
immediately!  Well it has sure happened!  Haven't had a chance to weigh her
yet but I'll guess at 1 to 1 1/4 lbs. !  Really nice and small for 8 mos. !
When I first held her she snuggled right up by my head and started kissing
my ear, that was it there was no way I was leaving there w/o her.  Caramon is
a sable color and all of 2 lbs.  (he came right up to me wanting to be
weighed, such a wonderful little boy)!!  They are both real layed back a
loveable, in fact probably more loveable than all the others but for Shyla
& Rowdy.  I couldn't believe the dumb woman decided to get rid of them
purely because they kept digging up her houseplants!!!  Kind of like
throwing out the baby w/the bath water I think!  I have plants too but I
just watch them close and am planning to cover the tops w/screening and I
ordered some stuff called "GET OFF MY GARDEN" FROM R.C.  STEELE company
that you sprinkle on the plants and when wet it begins to produce an odor
that is offensive to animals but is 100% safe to them.  Here's hoping it
works!!!!  If not I would choose to throw out the plants NOT the
By the way could all of you let me know what animal companies you order
from???  I know of Jeffers and R.C. Steele but no others and we would really
like to order from other companies if you can let us know their names and
locations!!!!  Thanks!!!
Fuzzy kisses to all of you from Kelleen, David and the INSANE Animal
[Posted in FML issue 1302]